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Tuesday, 19 July 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

In moving markets: Barrier observation in case of expiration

One of the ways to mitigate the probability of a barrier event is to use "last look" BRCs. These have the characteristic that the barrier is not tested until the product expires. This means that the performance of the underlying stocks during the life of the product is irrelevant, regardless of whether they temporarily fall below the barrier. As long as all the underlying stocks are above the barrier at expiration, the investor gets back the entire capital invested - unlike with "classic" BRCs, where the barrier is continuously monitored.

Friday, 15 July 2022
Reading time : 1 minute
Yield Enhancement

Yield enhancement with SMI heavyweights

The Swiss stock market heavyweights Nestlé, Novartis and Roche together account for more than half of the weights of the leading SMI index. The implied volatility of these three stocks is generally well below the mean of the SMI stocks, suggesting relative price stability. This makes them popular underlyings for yield enhancement products.
Friday, 15 July 2022
Reading time : 3 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Reverse Convertibles and Dividend Yields

One of the most frequently observed key figures in investment decisions - in addition to fundamental data - is the (expected) dividend yield. It expresses how much dividend an individual share pays in relation to its price and is therefore a good way of comparing different shares. Investors naturally try to achieve the highest possible returns, which is why stocks with high dividends combined with an attractive share price and sound fundamentals are often convincing, especially in longer-term strategies.

Thursday, 7 July 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Reverse Convertibles on Single Stocks:

Despite all the adversities on the stock markets, various stocks have a positive analyst consensus, so these stocks are expected to outperform the reference market. Particularly in the case of stocks that have experienced major price declines YTD, the comparatively low prices can represent an interesting entry opportunity. At the same time, the increased volatility of these stocks allows for attractive coupons.

Monday, 13 June 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Catch-up potential for Credit Suisse

According to the Bloomberg analyst consensus, more than 60% of analysts continue to recommend holding the share, and ZKB Equity Research also rates the share as "market-weighted". The price-to-book ratio, which compares the market value of a company with its book value, is 0.35 for Credit Suisse, which may indicate a significant undervaluation.

Monday, 16 May 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Holcim in transformation: seizing opportunities

With sales growth of 20%, rising sales prices and strategically effective acquisitions, Holcim opens the financial year with a strong first quarter. The building materials producer significantly exceeded analysts' consensus estimates, particularly in terms of EBIT. The Solutions & Products segment in particular is expected to continue to grow strongly; in 2022, the segment should account for at least 17% of Group sales, which would correspond to an increase of 3%.

Thursday, 5 May 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Investment Ideas - Yield Enhancement

German energy transition: Acceleration of measures

The "Easter Package" indicates that the share of renewable energies in the german electricity mix is to grow to 80% by 2030, which would correspond to a doubling. From 2035, all electricity generation is even to come from renewable sources.

Thursday, 28 April 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Low Barrier Index BRC: Defensive yield Enhancement

Leading indices such as the SMI®, the Euro Stoxx 50® or the S&P 500® have comparatively low volatilities as aggregates of their weighted underlyings, which means that the probability of a knock-in is lower than for individual stocks. However, this probability can be further reduced by means of two parameters.

Thursday, 21 April 2022
Reading time : 2 minutes
Yield Enhancement

Weak first quarter: RCs on potential catch-ups

The first stock market quarter of 2022 was characterized by rising inflation, rising interest rates and geopolitical uncertainties, which had a noticeable impact on the performance of the stock markets. Year-to-date, i.e. from January 1, 2022 to the present, no Western benchmark index was able to break even. The Euro Stoxx 50 stands at -8.5%, the S&P 500 at -6.7% and the SMI at -3.8%.

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