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ZKB Tracker Certificate
on Sustainable Green Tech Basket (USD)

ISIN: CH0566802648 Security: 56680264 Symbol: SGTUSZ Life cycle

Bid Price n.a.

Ask Price n.a.

Currency n.a.

Exchange SIX Structured Products

Volume n.a.

Volume n.a.

Date/time (delayed) n.a. n.a.

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Underlying value

UnderlyingISINPriceInitial fixingCurr.WeightingNumber of shares
AES AUS00130H105917.2126.0338USD5.94%0.186296
Americ.Water Works AUS0304201033120.78136.0825USD9.67%0.057024
Bloom Energy Corp Namenak...US093712107910.626.3714USD6.19%0.257476
Canadian Solar NCA136635109815.1541.8606USD6.88%0.185377
Enphase Energy NUS29355A1079111.93151.1396USD10.56%0.032090
First Solar NUS3364331070178.7376.0667USD10.76%0.063760
Itron AUS465741106695.75116.4579USD2.25%0.041646
Johnson Contr Int AIE00BY7QL61965.1157.0166USD6.10%0.085063
NextEra Energy AUS65339F101265.9971.7037USD10.30%0.108223
Nordex ADE000A0D655412.7617.818EUR6.00%0.439200
Plug Power NUS72919P20202.4139.9436USD2.62%0.169990
PowerCell Sweden NSE000642581526.8279.2810SEK2.88%0.176890
SolarEdge Technol.NUS83417M104558.2257.9897USD6.53%0.018799
Sunrun NUS86771W105310.2953.8755USD2.83%0.090022
Veolia Environn. AFR000012414129.0421.4724EUR10.49%0.313835

Reference data

ISIN CH0566802648
Security 56680264
Currency USD
Currency hedging No / Composite
Nominal amount 100.00
Ratio 1:1
Minimum repayment n.a.
Maximum repayment n.a.

Life cycle

Issue price100.00
Initial fixing date04.03.2021
Payment day11.03.2021
First trading day11.03.2021
Last trading day04.03.2024
Final fixing day04.03.2024
Redemption date11.03.2024
Redemption typeCash Settlement
Early redemptionNo
Residual term0
Issue amount25'000'000.00

Price data

Price status n.a.
Exchange SIX Structured Products
Trade time 09:15 - 17:15 (CET)
Round lot 1
Performance of underlying since issue n.a.

Product type

SSPA derivative category Participation
SSPA code Tracker certificate (1300)

Legal parties

Issuer Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Keep-Well Agreement
Issuer rating Standard & Poor's AAA, Moody's Aaa, Fitch AAA
Lead manager Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Payment, execution and calculation agent Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich

Tax aspects (Private investor tax domicile Switzerland)

Income taxNo
Withholding taxNo
Stamp duty payable in the secondary marketNo
Stamp duty payable upon delivery of the securitiesNo
SIX Telekurs EU tax classification code (out of scope)
Internal Rate of Returnn.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon issuen.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon redemptionn.a.

Sales restrictions

USA, US persons, EEA, Guernsey, GB


Redemption date11.03.2024
Redemption amount
Redemption currencyn.a.
Physical delivery-

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