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ZKB Tracker Certificate Dynamic
on Swiss Reputation Selection Basket

ISIN: CH0566782287 Security: 56678228 Symbol: SRSBTZ Life cycle
Secondary market

Bid Price 88.766

Ask Price 89.479

Currency CHF

Exchange ZKB

Volume n.a.

Volume n.a.

Date/time (realtime) 26.04.2024 05:14:19

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Underlying value

UnderlyingISINPriceInitial fixingCurr.WeightingNumber of shares
ABB NCH001222171644.9437.1228CHF9.52%0.232740
Adecco NCH001213860531.8237.4925CHF5.71%0.138219
ARYZTA NCH00432383661.7181.5494CHF2.38%1.394106
Avolta NCH002340545634.732.6573CHF1.90%0.052802
Cie Fin Richemont NCH0210483332129.85129.154CHF2.86%0.020097
Flughafen Zürich NCH0319416936187.7180.0198CHF8.10%0.040836
Givaudan NCH001064593239623'608.8052CHF0.95%0.000239
Holcim NCH001221405979.166.4488CHF6.67%0.091099
Novartis NCH001200526789.590.8391CHF3.81%0.038065
Part Grp Hldg NCH002460882711951'173.7906CHF4.29%0.003317
Sandoz Group AGCH12435984273029.9608CHF4.76%0.144188
Schindler Hldg PSCH0024638196229.6216.3834CHF3.33%0.013967
SIG Combibloc Grp NCH043537795418.8218.3555CHF1.43%0.070704
Sika NCH0418792922264.2240.9792CHF5.24%0.019735
Swiss Prime Site NCH00080383898587.3963CHF0.48%0.004985
Swiss Life NCH0014852781617.8622.1772CHF6.19%0.009029
Swiss Re NCH012688156199.599.1309CHF7.62%0.069762
Temenos Group AGCH001245391357.7588.6453CHF7.14%0.073100
The Swatch Grp ACH0012255151194.95203.1555CHF9.05%0.040429
UBS Group AGCH024476758525.0626.2283CHF8.57%0.296542

Life cycle

Issue price100.00
Initial fixing date23.11.2020
Payment day27.11.2020
First trading day27.11.2020
Last trading dayn.a.
Final fixing dayn.a.
Redemption dateopen end
Redemption typeCash Settlement
Early redemptionNo
Residual termopen end
Issue amount20'000'000.00

Price data

Price status n.a.
Exchange ZKB
Trade time 09:15 - 17:15 (CET)
Round lot 1
Performance of underlying since issue n.a.

Product type

SSPA derivative category Participation
SSPA code Tracker certificate (1300)

Legal parties

Issuer Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Keep-Well Agreement
Issuer rating Standard & Poor's AAA, Moody's Aaa, Fitch AAA
Lead manager Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Payment, execution and calculation agent Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich

Tax aspects (Private investor tax domicile Switzerland)

Income taxNo
Withholding taxNo
Stamp duty payable in the secondary marketNo
Stamp duty payable upon delivery of the securitiesNo
SIX Telekurs EU tax classification code (out of scope)
Internal Rate of Returnn.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon issuen.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon redemptionn.a.

Sales restrictions

USA, US persons, EEA, Guernsey, GB


Redemption daten.a.
Redemption amount
Redemption currencyn.a.
Physical delivery-

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