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ZKB Favourite Stocks 2024

Wednesday, 27 December 2023 Reading time : 3 minutes

The «ZKB Favourite Stocks 2024» tracker certificate combines ten Swiss stocks that Zürcher Kantonalbank's research team believes will have particularly good prospects in 2024. The selection consists of five large caps and five small and mid caps.

Building materials manufacturer Holcim is one of the research's favourites among large caps. The company's transformation course is gaining momentum thanks to strong cash generation. Kühne + Nagel, the global logistics provider, also makes the cut, thanks to its cost discipline and ongoing strategy implementation. Although Lonza has come under pressure recently, it offers a high margin with good visibility and benefits from structural trends that are not reflected in its low valuation. According to research, Partners Group should continue to see strong net new money inflows and benefit from increasing deal activity. At Roche, market expectations for the pipeline are already modest. Our research expect earnings growth in 2024 to be above consensus.

In the small- and mid-cap segment, our research is focussing on Accelleron, the world leader in turbo-chargers, which has had a good start to the year and still has considerable potential. The technology company ams Osram has secured financing with a painful capital in-crease and can now press ahead with its turnaround. Zurich Airport offers further recovery potential and attrac-tive cash flows after the pandemic. Insurance company Helvetia should continue to grow profitably in 2024 and gain market shares abroad. With Tecan, our research is focussing on a quality stock in the medtech sector with an attractive valuation.

During the initial fixing period, the ten stocks selected are added to the basket with an equal weighting of 10% each. In terms of market capitalisation, small and medi-um-sized companies therefore have a relatively higher weighting in the basket.

Research content from Zürcher Kantonalbank's independent financial analysis was used in the preparation of this document. This document is not a product of Zürcher Kantonalbank's independent research. Only the complete Zürcher Kantonalbank research report on a financial instrument accurately and completely reflects the assessment of Zürcher Kantonalbank. The complete reports on the individual financial instruments, the DMO publication of 13.12.23 with a summary of the assessments, and a presentation on the annual favourites are available free of charge on request from our research department: Zürcher Kantonalbank, Research, P.O. Box, 8010 Zurich,

Investment solutions for the «ZKB Favourite Stocks 2024»

Interested investors can use structured products to invest specifically in the ZKB Annual Favourites 2024. The stock selection is based on the equity top picks for 2024, published by ZKB Equity Research.

Tracker Certificate: Full Participation

The tracker certificate is suitable for investors who expect the basket to perform well and want to participate fully in this development.

  • Stock selection by research of Zürcher Kantonalbank
  • Reinvestment of net dividends
  • Maturity of 1 year
  • Valor: 121 824 643
  • Termsheet
  • Further information

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Outperformance Certificate: Disproportionate Participation

The outperformance certificate can be used if a positive performance of the basket is assumed but the cap level is not expected to be exceeded. In this case, investors participate disproportionately from the initial basket value.

  • 150% upside participation
  • 110% cap level (maximum return 15%)
  • Maturity of 1 year
  • Valor: 121 824 676
  • Termsheet

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