Bid | Ask | |
Price | 204.142 | 205.576 |
Volume | 1'250.00 | 1'250.00 |
Change compared with previous day | +2.22% | +2.22% |
Time | 01:42:11 | 01:42:11 |
Date | 19.09.2024 | 19.09.2024 |
Currency | CHF | |
Nominal amount | 114.00 | |
Exchange | ZKB | |
Life cycle | Secondary market |
Daily high/low | 205.51 / 201.11 |
All-time high/low | 241.07 / 71.28 |
Performance of structured product since issue | 79.42% |
Performance of underlying since issue | 51.71% |
Risk | |
SSPA VaR | n.a. |
SSPA risk rating | n.a. |
Volatility | |
30-day volatility | 20.22% |
100-day volatility | 29.15% |
Investment style | static |
Participation | 100.00% |
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