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ZKB Tracker Certificate Dynamic
on Swiss Small & Mid Cap Selection

ISIN: CH1105859834 Security: 110585983 Symbol: CHSMCZ Life cycle
Secondary market

Bid Price 829.692

Ask Price 835.52

Currency CHF

Exchange ZKB

Volume n.a.

Volume 50.00

Date/time (realtime) 26.04.2024 05:14:19

Sell Buy 

Underlying value

UnderlyingISINPriceInitial fixingCurr.WeightingNumber of shares
ALSO Holding NCH0024590272226.5233.50CHF3.00%0.110888
Bachem HoldingCH117649372981.183.05CHF5.01%0.520580
Bâloise-Hldg NCH0012410517142.9139.30CHF3.91%0.242324
Barry Callebaut NCH000900296213771'286.00CHF7.14%0.047871
BEKB NCH0009691608250246.00CHF2.01%0.070559
BKW NCH0130293662135.2135.20CHF3.94%0.251270
Bucher Industries NCH0002432174360.5398.50CHF4.03%0.087248
SCHWEIZER FRANKENCH000274808211.00CHF7.79%67.178768
Lindt & Sprüngli PSCH00105707671035010'570.00CHF1.98%0.001618
Georg Fischer NCH116915100364.5565.80CHF2.14%0.280602
Flughafen Zürich NCH0319416936187.7203.40CHF5.62%0.238564
Galenica ACH036067446670.8573.85CHF1.97%0.230431
Landis+Gyr Group NCH037115349269.468.40CHF5.07%0.639833
Luzerner KB NCH125293061068.170.50CHF5.94%0.726864
Sandoz Group AGCH12435984273026.65CHF3.82%1.236623
SIG Combibloc Grp NCH043537795418.8219.69CHF5.32%2.332342
SoftwareONE Hldg.NCH049645150815.8216.7371CHF10.15%5.229865
St.Galler KB NCH0011484067468486.50CHF5.79%0.102766
The Swatch Grp ACH0012255151194.95205.00CHF4.95%0.208313
TECAN GROUP NCH0012100191332.6367.60CHF4.49%0.105304
u-blox NCH003336167386.985.60CHF3.99%0.402129
Ypsomed Hldg NCH0019396990337.5355.00CHF1.93%0.046973

Life cycle

Issue price1'000.00
Initial fixing date28.05.2021
Payment day04.06.2021
First trading day04.06.2021
Last trading dayn.a.
Final fixing dayn.a.
Redemption dateopen end
Redemption typeCash Settlement
Early redemptionNo
Residual termopen end
Issue amount25'000'000.00

Price data

Price status n.a.
Exchange ZKB
Trade time 09:15 - 17:15 (CET)
Round lot 1
Performance of underlying since issue n.a.

Product type

SSPA derivative category Participation
SSPA code Tracker certificate (1300)

Legal parties

Issuer Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Keep-Well Agreement
Issuer rating Standard & Poor's AAA, Moody's Aaa, Fitch AAA
Lead manager Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Payment, execution and calculation agent Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich

Tax aspects (Private investor tax domicile Switzerland)

Income taxNo
Withholding taxNo
Stamp duty payable in the secondary marketNo
Stamp duty payable upon delivery of the securitiesNo
SIX Telekurs EU tax classification code (out of scope)
Internal Rate of Returnn.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon issuen.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon redemptionn.a.

Sales restrictions

USA, US persons, EEA, Guernsey, GB


Redemption daten.a.
Redemption amount
Redemption currencyn.a.
Physical delivery-

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