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ZKB Tracker Certificate Dynamic
on a US Equity J Basket

ISIN: CH0506582607 Security: 50658260 Symbol: USAEJZ Life cycle
Secondary market

Bid Price 203.358

Ask Price 205.813

Currency USD

Exchange SIX Structured Products

Volume 1'250.00

Volume 1'250.00

Date/time (delayed) 26.04.2024 05:15:00

Sell Buy 

Underlying value

UnderlyingISINPriceInitial fixingCurr.WeightingNumber of shares
Alphabet A -A-US02079K3059172148.4534USD7.69%0.108295
Bank of America AUS060505104638.0437.3239USD7.69%0.430742
BlackRock NUS09247X1019765.57839.2776USD7.69%0.019155
Boston Scientific AUS101137107773.34567.7952USD7.69%0.237137
Equinix NUS29444U7000736.17806.1174USD7.69%0.019943
Exxon Mobil AUS30231G1022117.97113.5368USD7.69%0.141600
Microsoft NUS5949181045409.09427.5425USD7.69%0.037603
NVIDIA AUS67066G1040880.34909.4126USD7.69%0.017678
Palo Alto Networks NUS6974351057292.3557282.3388USD7.69%0.056941
Philip MorrisUS718172109095.2393.6814USD7.69%0.171611
Regeneron Pharmac.AUS75886F1075882.33975.9998USD7.69%0.016472
Shopify IncCA82509L107697.71110.3504CAD7.69%0.197039
Unitedhealth Group AUS91324P1021496.12494.3808USD7.69%0.032519

Life cycle

Issue price100.00
Initial fixing date30.03.2020
Payment day06.04.2020
First trading day06.04.2020
Last trading dayn.a.
Final fixing dayn.a.
Redemption dateopen end
Redemption typeCash Settlement
Early redemptionNo
Residual termopen end
Issue amount10'000'000.00

Price data

Price status n.a.
Exchange SIX Structured Products
Trade time 09:15 - 17:15 (CET)
Round lot 1
Performance of underlying since issue n.a.

Product type

SSPA derivative category Participation
SSPA code Tracker certificate (1300)

Legal parties

Issuer Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Keep-Well Agreement
Issuer rating Standard & Poor's AAA, Moody's Aaa, Fitch AAA
Lead manager Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich
Payment, execution and calculation agent Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich

Tax aspects (Private investor tax domicile Switzerland)

Income taxNo
Withholding taxNo
Stamp duty payable in the secondary marketNo
Stamp duty payable upon delivery of the securitiesNo
SIX Telekurs EU tax classification code (out of scope)
Internal Rate of Returnn.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon issuen.a.
Cash value of fixed income investment upon redemptionn.a.

Sales restrictions

USA, US persons, EEA, Guernsey, GB


Redemption daten.a.
Redemption amount
Redemption currencyn.a.
Physical delivery-

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