ISIN | CH1303999838 |
Security | 130399983 |
Symbol | Z093HZ |
Currency | USD |
Currency hedging | No |
Nominal amount | 1'000.00 |
Coupon (Coupon p.a.) | 7.44% (7.50% ) |
Coupon payment | guaranteed |
Interest portion p.a. | 5.05% |
Premium portion p.a. | 2.45% |
Coupon date | 20.02.2025 |
Day count convention | 30/360 (German), modified following |
Accrued coupon | n.a. |
Issue price | 100.00% |
Initial fixing date | 12.02.2024 |
Payment day | 23.02.2024 |
First trading day | 23.02.2024 |
Last trading day | 12.02.2025 |
Final fixing day | 12.02.2025 |
Redemption date | 20.02.2025 |
Redemption type | physical delivery or cash settlement |
Early redemption | No |
Residual term | 11 |
Issue amount | 5'000'000.00 |
Price status | flat Marchzins |
Exchange | SIX Structured Products |
Trade time | 09:15 - 17:15 (CET) |
Round lot | USD 1'000.00 |
Performance of underlying since issue | -0.11% |
SSPA derivative category | Yield enhancement |
SSPA code | Reverse convertible (1220) |
Issuer | Zürcher Kantonalbank Finance (Guernsey) Ltd |
Keep-Well Agreement | with Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich |
Issuer rating | |
Lead manager | Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich |
Payment, execution and calculation agent | Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich |
Income tax | Yes |
Withholding tax | No |
Stamp duty payable in the secondary market | No |
Stamp duty payable upon delivery of the securities | Yes |
SIX Telekurs EU tax classification code | (out of scope) |
Internal Rate of Return | 5.05% |
Cash value of fixed income investment upon issue | 95.24% |
Cash value of fixed income investment upon redemption | 100.00% |
USA, US persons, Guernsey, EEA, GB |
Redemption date | 20.02.2025 |
Redemption amount | |
Redemption currency | n.a. |
Underlying | n.a. |
Physical delivery | - |
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