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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the issuer risk?
What is issuer risk with structured products of Zürcher Kantonalbank?
What is a keep-well agreement?
For which investors, structured products are suitable?
What are the advantages of structured products?
What should I consider when comparing different offers for a structured product?
Where can I get detailed information about a structured product?
Do apply brokerage fees at a subscription of a new issue of a structured product?
How do I buy/sell a structured product during the term?
How are the prices of ZKB Barrier Reverse Convertibles quoted?
Why is the performance of the structured product during the term not identical to the underlying, even though the product promises higher performance than the underlying asset?
What is the TER in structured products?
How is the tax treatment of structured products?
What is a payoff diagram and how do I read it?
What happens at the end of the term?
What means cash settlement, no accumulation?

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