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ZKB Capital Protection Note with Participation and Coupon
Geberit rs/Givaudan rs/Holcim rs/Roche Hldg drc/Zurich Insur Gr rs

ISIN: CH1164334117 Security: 116433411 Symbol: Z22BUZ Life cycle
Secondary market

Bid Price 101.07%

Ask Price 102.07%

Currency CHF

Exchange SIX Structured Products

Volume 250'000.00

Volume 250'000.00

Date/time (delayed) 03.10.2024 05:15:01

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1100 Capital protection certificate with participation

Product type number as specified by the Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA): 1100

Please consult the termsheet and the accompanying issue prospectus for information on the exact product functionality, product details and risks.

Market expectations

  • Rising underlying
  • Rising volatility
  • Major price corrections in the underlying are possible


  • The amount of the repayment upon expiry is at least the amount of the capital protection.
  • The capital protection is expressed as a percentage of the nominal amount (e.g. 100%).
  • The capital protection applies only to the nominal amount and not to the purchase price.
  • The value of the product may fall below the capital protection level during the term.
  • Unlimited participation in the price performance of the underlying in the amount of the participation rate.


  • The minimum repayment specified at the beginning of the term is only guaranteed on expiry.
  • Participation in the positive performance of the underlying is unlimited.


  • Capital protection applies only upon expiry. The value of the product may fall below the minimum repayment during the term.
  • If the guaranteed repayment is below 100%, a loss may result if the performance of the underlying is negative.

Repayment terms

  • Payment of the guaranteed minimum repayment on expiry.
  • Plus the positive performance of the underlying multiplied by the participation rate.

Pay-off diagram upon expiry

1100 Pay-off

Examples upon expiry

Product & scenarios
  Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Description Rising underlying Slightly rising underlying Falling underlying
Underlying value SMI® Index SMI® Index SMI® Index
Capital protection 100% 100% 100%
Participation 75% 75% 75%
Term 2 years 2 years 2 years
Issue price 100% 100% 100%
Capital employed CHF 10'000 CHF 10'000 CHF 10'000
SMI® at initial fixing 8'000 points 8'000 points 8'000 points
SMI® at maturity 8'800 points 8'400 points 7'200 points
Performance SMI® 10% 5% -10%
  Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Calculation 10'000 + (10%*75%*10'000) 10'000 + (5%*75%*10'000) 10'000
Redemption CHF 10'750 CHF 10'375 CHF 10'000
Profit / Loss 7.50% 3.75% 0.00%
Swiss income tax Predominantly one-off interest payments (IUP)
Swiss withholding tax No
Swiss stamp tax Yes
EU tax on interest No

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