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Investment Ideas - Theme Investing

Technological Change: Seizing Opportunities

Thursday, 24 August 2023 Reading time : 2 minutes

What drives economic progress?
Change requires ingenuity, innovation and pioneering. Companies that develop novel technologies and processes not only drive the economy, but also make significant contributions to solving global problems such as climate change, healthcare or education. In this way, innovative companies and their technologies also promote and shape global economic development in the longer term.

Investment opportunities
The ZKB Tracker Certificate on the "Technological Change" basket combines 30 stocks selected by the Asset Management of Zürcher Kantonalbank, all of them have a decisive influence on technological progress. The most important sectors are healthcare, energy generation and distribution, robotics and automation in manufacturing and transportation, and artificial intelligence.

All selected companies are active in these areas and are either leaders as product and service providers or part of the upstream value chain.

The product in detail
Thanks to dynamic stock selection, Zürcher Kantonalbank's Asset Management can react to changes in sectors, regions and the market environment and adjust the allocation accordingly - investors are always well positioned to participate in the development of the topic in a diversified way.

ZKB Tracker Certificate on the "Technological Change" Basket

Further information regarding the new tracker certificate and its initial composition is available in the factsheet.

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