Bid | Ask | |
Price | 100.11% | n.a. |
Volume | 150'000.00 | n.a. |
Change compared with previous day | +0.14% | n.a. |
Time | 01:01:03 | n.a. |
Date | 15.01.2025 | n.a. |
Currency | CHF | |
Nominal amount | 1'000.00 | |
Exchange | ZKB | |
Life cycle | Secondary market |
Daily high/low | n.a. / 99.69 |
All-time high/low | 102.27 / 79.23 |
Performance of structured product since issue | n.a. |
Performance of underlying since issue | -17.08% |
Risk | |
SSPA VaR | n.a. |
SSPA risk rating | n.a. |
Volatility | |
30-day volatility | 19.43% |
100-day volatility | 23.22% |
Coupon p.a. | 6.82% |
Barrier | 100.54 (70.00%) |
Distance to barrier | 15.59% |
Barrier touched | No |
Cap | 143.63 |
Distance to cap | -20.59% |
Maximum return | n.a. |
Maximum return p.a. | n.a. |
TER p.a. | n.a. |