Bid | Ask | |
Price | 83.12% | n.a. |
Volume | 10'000.00 | n.a. |
Change compared with previous day | -0.13% | n.a. |
Time | 09:55:14 | n.a. |
Date | 10.01.2025 | n.a. |
Currency | CHF | |
Nominal amount | 10'000.00 | |
Exchange | ZKB | |
Life cycle | Secondary market |
Daily high/low | n.a. / 82.86 |
All-time high/low | 101.04 / 73.42 |
Performance of structured product since issue | n.a. |
Performance of underlying since issue | -32.34% |
Risk | |
SSPA VaR | n.a. |
SSPA risk rating | n.a. |
Volatility | |
30-day volatility | 24.68% |
100-day volatility | 29.45% |
Coupon p.a. | 8.88% |
Cap | 130.32 |
Distance to cap | -21.59% |
Maximum return | n.a. |
Maximum return p.a. | n.a. |
Maximum repayment | 11'108.01 |
TER p.a. | n.a. |
ZKB Autocallable Barrier Reverse Convertible on worst of The Swatch Group AG/Alcon AG/Sandoz Group A... 132910962 / CH1329109628 |
16.0994% p.a. ZKB Barrier Reverse Convertible, 19.02.2025 auf AMS SE 135803773 / CH1358037732 |
15.6282% p.a. ZKB Barrier Reverse Convertible, 19.02.2025 auf AMS SE 132914049 / CH1329140490 |
ZKB Outperformance-Zertifikat mit Cap Tecan Group AG Namenaktie 121825508 / CH1218255086 |
ZKB Reverse Convertible auf Tecan Group AG 130398401 / CH1303984012 |